The timing of the night is very vague, I can't really
tell you what time all this happened because not all of my clocks were to the
local time. But basically I got into my room, met my RA (like a don), got a
little tour and set up my internet. Residence is oddly laid out on this campus,
unlike York where the rez buildings are all over campus and you will likely not
have to walk too far to your classes because the rez you were in is the college
you are affiliated with, but here they have all the residences in one corner of
the campus and all of them are at least a 10 minute walk to the first classroom
in campus central. It's like if York put everyone in Fountainhead and made
everyone walk uphill ten minutes to get to York Lanes (I hope no one in admin
is reading this because they might end up thinking it's a good idea). I'm in
New Deakin, which was built only a year after Old Deakin and is connected by a
common room. You'd think it was a good idea to be in New Deakin but
"New" still refers to 1963 and because the old res refers to 1962
they deserve to be renovated first so the old is actually a bit nicer, but I
really don't care.
It didn't take long to unpack as I had nothing to
unpack so I wandered around for a while a saw what there was to see, this is
what I saw.
I promise to take a better picture of this soon with my
nice camera, but this is behind my residence. (I'll give you a moment to close
your mouth) And after walking about for 10 minutes living on this campus is
like living in High Park, it's beautiful, don't even get me started on the
animals (that'll be a whole nother blog post to come).
There was a BBQ in the courtyard at 6, so wandered on
over and met some very nice people, someone (I don't remember his name) gave me
my first Aussie beer, it was alright. You can drink anywhere around rez here,
and what I say you I mean anybody, even don's and bosses (they don't really
have frosh bosses like we do, but enough of the same). After dinner we're all standing
around taking on the cerement until I started a movement to appreciate the
grass, which lead to an importune game of duck, duck, goose (they do not play
it correctly down here) and the human knot, when it started to rain we moved
inside and I taught them slow motion samurai after playing evolution and
another game I can't remember.
Once they ran out of games they decided to put on 3 different
movies in different rooms, a rom com, a comedy and an action flick. Myself and
Ushwa (his real name is Josh and he has taken to calling me Moose, I like it)
decide that this was disinteresting and decided it best to start drinking (what
a class act am I! :D) We it turns out we were not the only once to feel this
not to be our forte and the situation quickly snowballed into the following:
In "The Prog" (the projector room), 20+
people including 75% of the RA's, the head RA and all of the o week (frosh
week) volunteers (bosses), myself and many others played SEVERAL drinking games
including Kings Cup, fueled by a slab (a 28 can pack) of beer which was donated
by one of the RA's himself. By the end of the night at least 2 of the RA's were
HAMMERED and every one of them was dolling out drinks to the residents. This is
insane. It's awesome without doubt but I've had Winters ground into me for so
long, that I couldn't believe it was something that was permitted. The drinking
games are great and I promise to share then once I get them memorized. There is
no songs at the end of the night or at midnight (boo), but there is a song for every
time you have to skull your drink (finish it) which calls into question the
skullers (he/she who skulls) manhood or breast size. Once I get that one down
I'll share it too.
There's no
place like...
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